Monday, June 28, 2010

Paseo de los/las Damas-Downtown Keeps Getting Better

I've been championing the revitalization efforts of San Jose for the past year, happy to show people its hidden beauty. Here is a summary of this past Sunday's article in PROA, highlighting all that has been completed on Paseo de los Damas (Parque Morazan to La Aduana), and the few things we'll see over the next two years. 

To see all of these details in person, and hear more in-depth stories about the buildings/artists/history I recommend taking our Bird's Nest tour for only $15.

Complete to date:
Sidewalks, public art installments, restoration of the old police station, Edificio Metallico, Parque Morazan & La Aduana. 

To come
Construction of new legislative assembly building and president's house. Also a cafe and visitor's center located inside old train cars outside of the Atlantic Train Station. There is also a conversation about a pedestrian bridge that would connect the Paseo at La Aduana, providing easy access to Barrio Escalante. So in a few years with more development of the Barrio Escalante Urban plan it would be a beautiful and easy walk from Mall San Pedro all the way to the National Theater. 

The aim of all of these projects is to return this sector of downtown to it's prior status of elegance and political  power center for all josefinos (San Jose-ans) to enjoy.

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